Lost Highway (1997)
13 years later, probably Lynch's most enduring masterpiece of weirdness
13 March 2010
Caught this at a Midnight screening last night (early this a.m.), and I have to say David Lynch's LOST HIGHWAY resonates a lot more loudly now than it did 13 years ago.

In fact, I not only didn't "get it" oh those many years ago, but I found it to be a "lesser" Lynch. So much so, that I waited till last night to revisit the film on the BIG SCREEN in all its wide-scree glory! (and the print was clean too)

***SPOILERS*** I had forgotten that Bill Pullman disappears completely from view halfway through the story, only to magically reappear at the end and save the day. I had also forgotten how much nudity Patricia Arquette exhibits to indulge Lynch's appreciation of the female form. She (as twins) has multiple sex scenes (indoors & out), and proves a most provocative of "femme fatales."

Lastly, I read IMDb's note about Robert Loggis's first meeting with Lynch at a "Blue Velvet" audition (Hopper got the part), and had to admire Loggia's dirty-old-man-gangster that could kick a tailgater's ass one minute and make B&W porno's for the pleasure of his entourage.

Although the story drags a little in the last reel, Lynch's use of voyeuristic video's (prior to Haneke's CACHE, 2005) and oddball doppelganger/wormhole-transport (pre-"DONNIE DARKO, 2001) is so ahead of its time the film could be released today and still catch fire.

Dial up your Midnight programmer and give this one another look ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!

3-1/2 stars (out of 4) -THEreelreviewer.com
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