Review of The 'Burbs

The 'Burbs (1989)
Don't mess with these suburbians !
8 March 2010
"The Burbs" is basically a satire about the daily life of suburbia, on a typical American street. The plot is very basic and won't be the reason to watch this movie. It's the characters, the suburbians that steal the show, portrayed by some awe-some comedy actors. And somehow it all falls on it's place and makes this movie a real enjoyment to watch. I've watched it a couple of times now and it still cracks me up, never gets old.

Tom Hanks takes the role of Ray Peterson, a man around his 30's. Got 2 kids, a nice wife and a great house on this peculiar street. Ray is on a 2 week vacation, but he doesn't feel like going anywhere. He tells his wife he just wants to spend his free time by hanging around the house, watching TV, doing basically nothing. His character immediately reminded me of a stoner, in fact they should've made him one. All that needed to be done was giving him a big reefer in his hands, and a couple of plants in the garden. Anyways, the house next to Ray has new people living in it since a month now, and the strange thing is that nobody ever saw a single one of them, nobody is ever leaving the house and no one has ever entered it. How do they get their food one wonders. So Ray and his fellow suburbians are going to find out who the heck those people are and what they are up to. His party members consist of:

Mark Rumsfield ( Bruce Dern ), a Vietnam veteran, still thinking as a die hard soldier and acting accordingly. For me this is the funniest character in the movie.

Art Weingartner ( Rick Ducommun ), The big mouth know-it-all neighbor. Who can show up uninvited just to get some food or a beer. He is the one that starts the conspiracy theories against Ray's neighbors. According to Ray's wife, Art's influence changed the person she married.

Ricky Butler ( Corey Feldman ), The high school kid. Enjoying everything that is happening in front of his house from the safety of his porch. He even invites his friends to come over and watch the show, while his brave neighbors are investigating the strange next door neighbors of Ray.

Further more you have your typical old grumpy guy, and the hot chick which happens to be Mark's wife.

So in this flick you are following these people in their quest to unravel the mystery of Ray's neighbors. Things get really intense when they find out the grumpy old man Walter Seznick ( Gale Gordon ) has disappeared and off course they all think the Klopeks ( Ray's neighbors ) have something to do with it.

The movie is full of great one-liners and colorful characters. You will constantly laugh out loud and will have the urge to watch it again.

Get this hidden gem and you definitely won't regret it !
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