Choices Seem Individual (but aren't)
21 February 2010
A video game gives the player to act freely but as computers, this freedom is an illusion and you are forced to walk a path that is plotted in advance: discover it and you can win the game; Don't see it and you are doomed to the iconic statement "Help: I'am stuck!".

Thus, this is the invisibility, this smoothness of the plan that makes the difference: when everything is done easily, you have a good game; when every following task is a pain, a riddle, then get rid of the game!

Here, the game is close to the last category: it asks you to find all particular clues left at a special point of a precise location. As other said, it's become a pixel challenge and nothing else.

Since the start, the game is incredibly difficult: for example, you have to think to look for particular fingerprints in the bike shop whereas there must have been a lot of customers! Awful!

In addition, the tools have been upgraded in worse since the fist game. And the fingerprints or DNA search are silly! As for the cases, there are five: the stuntman, the Indian relics, the homeless, the circus, the theater. Their stories could have been interesting but the cases are too much long and you got as many guilty as proofs so you become quickly fed-up.

A poor game that killed me and that I couldn't throw away because it was a gift!
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