Char And Ella
11 February 2010
Before Anne Hathaway became an obedient slave to Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada she was under an obedience spell in Ella Enchanted, courtesy of her hip fairy godmother Vivica Fox. Though I'm not sure why this is such a good thing for anyone, it does provide some of the plot basis for this updated pop version of Cinderella.

Anne Hathaway as the dolefully obedient Ella is wonderful in the part, even getting five finger discounts at the village medieval mall because her stepsisters tell her to. A chance encounter with Hugh Dancy as Prince Charming intrigues Dancy because he's treated as a fairyland rock star with any number of willing groupies including the stepsisters longing to become queen.

But if evil Uncle Cary Elwes has anything to say about, that ain't about to happen. He's gotten real rich and sassy off the onerous taxes the people have to pay and using the forest ogres as scapegoats.

Over 50 years earlier Disney Studios did the famous cartoon version of Cinderella with such lasting hits as Bibidi Bobidi Boo and A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. I don't think any of the songs will gain the lasting fame those two did, but they're easy to take move the plot along where needed.

Cinderella for the 21st century, just what this old world needs.
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