Jacktown (1962)
A strange and morally ambiguous film that seldom makes sense.
21 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film begins with Frankie and his friend beating someone up and robbing him. Then, he returns home where you see he's basically a nasty bum--leeching off his parents and having no ambition. His parents are total morons, as none of Frankie's obviously antisocial behaviors seem to concern them. A bit later, he's caught by the police having sex with a girl in his car--and she's underage (only 15)! Frankie is sent to prison ('Jacktown')--a tough state prison in Michigan. Here, young and pretty Frankie is at the mercy of the older and meaner prisoners. The warden feels sorry for him and has him do work at his house. It's nice work, but I wonder....Frankie is in jail for statutory rape...and the warden ALSO has a pretty young daughter. What part of this doesn't the empty-headed warden understand?! Plus, considering Frankie is a jerk, the audience is left wondering what the message is here.

Eventually, the incredibly dim warden finally realizes that having this hormone-stoked young statutory rapist work around his very pretty daughter was not a great idea. Frankie is given duty as a driver--where he would be allowed off the prison property--quite the privilege. But, soon afterwords, a prisoner who he is transporting attacks the guard and the two struggle--while a large crowd of people stand around and do absolutely nothing! During this mêlée, Frankie runs away--stealing a car that just happens to have a sleeping little boy in the back seat! That Frankie REALLY needs to learn to stay away from kids! Fortunately, when Frankie notices the kid, he leaves the kid and car and calls the police.

Now, here is where the movie starts to get rather insane (like it hasn't already!?!). Frankie looks up the warden's daughter and goes to her apartment in town. He learns that despite the prisoner being killed, the news reports did NOT talk about Frankie's escape. They talk a while and her father phones. She doesn't mention that this escaped con is standing only a few feet from her during this entire phone call--showing that being stupid runs in the family! Plus, I love how twice she says "I've never been with a man" and is wearing her nightgown during his visit! Earth to pretty young lady--this guy's a statutory rapist!!! In the most bizarre twist in movie history, he does NOT rape her but talks about how he deserved to go to prison. Then, he phones the warden and tells him he'll be back soon and "don't forget to leave the light on". Yeah, sure.

If this film actually is based on a true story (I sure have my doubts about this), then the warden and his daughter are certifiable idiots and the entire movie is too goofy to be believed! If it isn't, it's not surprising--especially since the movie seems an awful lot like 20,000 YEARS IN SING SING and its remake CASTLE ON THE HUDSON.

By the way, the very pretty (yet stupid) girl who plays the warden's daughter is Patty McCormack--the one who did a wonderful job starring in THE BAD SEED in 1956. From bad seed to amateur social worker--that's quite an improvement!
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