Love Camp 7 (1969)
A truly awful, awful film.
2 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Love Camp 7 tells the story of WAC Lt. Linda Harman (Maria Lease) & WAC Lt. Grace Freeman (Kathy Williams) who volunteer to go undercover in Germany in order to contact captured scientist Martha Grossman who has potentially vital information about a new jet engine. Unfortunately Grossman is currently being held captive at the notorious Love Camp 7 which is where high ranking German officials go to have sex with female prisoners of war & generally do whatever they want to them for their own sadistic pleasure. In order to blend in & get close to Grossman both Harman & Freeman have to submit to their German captors & take part in humiliating rituals, maybe this mission isn't going to be as easy they first thought...

Directed by Lee Frost this was maybe the first Nazi-Exploitation film but otherwise there is nothing of note here at all & Love Camp 7 turns out to be a throughly awful, awful film in every respect. The film runs a coma inducing 91 minutes & it amongst the most boring 91 minutes of film out there, it's that bad. The script has this wraparound segment where this guy in London tells the story which saves on exposition, sets & other character's as he can just say what happened rather than the makers having to go out & shoot it. I am not sure if the makers of Love Camp 7 felt their film had some credibility by including some narration about how many high ranking Germans were captured at the end of the war because so many of them went to these love camps but it doesn't & I seriously doubt it anyway since the majority of this tawdry little film is spent on women getting undressed. Considering it's reputation Love Camp 7 is pretty tame stuff, there's no blood & while there's some silly torture scenes (the camp Commandant has the girls hold buckets in the air!) the whole film feels like soft porn, every scene is geared towards making the women get their clothes off & have sex or fondle each other. The character's are paper thin, the girls are all good, the camp Commandant is a sadistic monster & of course there's the one sole sympathetic guard. Love Camp 7 may have been the first but that doesn't mean it's any good does it?

Despite a lot of nudity there's nothing that graphic here & the women are strikingly unattractive, while all the women get naked the men don't & I don't understand how you are meant to have sex while you keep your trousers on. As I said there's lots of groping & kissing but nothing else. The whole controversy surrounding these types of films is the sexual violence & that these women are just raped & used but the acting & staging is so poor it's almost impossible to take it seriously. Distasteful maybe, offensive & sick no. The sole action scene at the end is also badly staged & seems to take place in front of a barb wire fence. The sets are cheap although at least the makers could afford a few Nazi costumes which look alright. Th is was & still is banned over here in the UK which to be honest after watching it is a real blessing, my fellow Brits are not missing anything here at all.

The budget for this was probably none existent & it's a really cheap & badly made production all round. The acting is awful to match the rest of the film & some of the German accents are embarrassing.

Love Camp 7 is a very early runner (it's only the 2nd January) to be my worst film of the year, only 364 days left to find out if anything beats it. If there is a film out there worse then I don't want to see it.
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