A note for fans of on screen beauty...
29 December 2009
No need to go on about the noir quality and decent story line of this film. Already been done.

I merely make a comment from the feminine aestheticist in me. Near the start of the movie, there is a scene in a bar where an underage girl asks a drink, but instead gets kicked out by the cops. This young women is beautiful - she could be the near perfect film noir femme fatale IMHO, but unfortunately was only cast so minimally. I haven't been this surprised by a screen beauty since the first time I saw Joan Collins in her prime.

I wish I knew the name of this actress, she had the look - long shoulder length hair, sultry dark eyes, a voice that belies both innocence and cynicism. The first thing I thought of when I saw here was the "who framed roger rabbit" cartoon beauty (jessica), without the obvious exaggerations. To me she exemplified 50's feminine beauty to that extreme!

Anyone who could name her for me, I'd appreciate it greatly. Worth keeping an eye out if you are a fan of the B&W movie beauties.
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