A big disappointment.
23 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
While Blue Harvest was very funny... TFG (Team Family Guy) blew it on this one.

It took me a while to figure out how they made this video not so funny. This Empire parody looks great... but thats about it.

As already pointed out, Peter/Solo insult and punches Lois Leia are out from no-where and serves no purpose. Compared to TFG episode in which Peter is on a Roadhouse craze and kicks everyone - including Lois, especially her the boob.

** Spoiler a bit ** Like Pete Solo cursing Leia, instead of the originals "I know"... saying something like "I love me too" would have been funnier, who knows, I'm not a writer.

The recent Robot Chicken 2.5 Special does a much better job with the same scene. You can see that yourself on adultswim's website.

Anyways.. back to HOW TFG failed.

Many of the lines in something something something (very un-funny stupid title) are right off of Empire. While Blue Harvest has almost no lines from A New Hope.

Like in Blue Harvest, when the Death Star Fire control guys are complaining about "not having a rail to lean against". Sorry, some guys pretending to do something didn't cut it.

What makes blue harvest and Family guy work is dialogue. Something Something has so little of it and totally ignores openings where they could have done something. Like when Chris Skywalker falls to the M.Falcon - there is NOTHING there. They could have had Chris fall into the arms of the ONLY black man in the movie and have him say "Who the Hell are you?!" - and trying to use his missing hand to hide his wallet. Anything! I bought this DVD sight un-seen. I thought I had missed it somehow on the local FOX channel. I wouldn't have wasted my $16 on this DVD. :(
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