Hard Candy (2005)
Great Film
17 December 2009
Hard Candy was not the easiest film to watch, but for all the right reasons. If you've read the other comments, you know that the subject matter deals with the ever so squirm-worthy pedophilia and Internet luring... but Hard Candy turns the whole idea on its head.

Ellen Page is cast as the precocious (surprise, surprise) female lead and plays her character beautifully; oscillating between an insecure teen and a vengeful, manipulative, take charge persona. The dialog is well written and never seems to drag.

Patrick Wilson turns in a believable performance with depth and character. Neither character is what they seem at first and both actors do a fantastic job of morphing from one set of character traits to another.

If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend it. It has the feeling of a stage drama at times, as there is really only one set and two characters (aside from Sandra Oh's cameo), but it adds to the almost claustrophobic atmosphere. The plot manages to keep you guessing until the very end and there are enough well crafted loose ends to provoke some interesting conjectures after watching.
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