Another Winner
28 November 2009
Samantha Figura should have won an Oscar.

Hell there should have been Oscars for the screenplay, directing, and the old big guy should have something too. This should have been a blockbuster of a movie. There is just no justice sometimes. The movie shows the troubles of aliens living in southern California at the end times. Young, good looking, smart and no worries except pending doom. Yes, no different than now they just handle it in ways we have not thought of yet. Breakout the chem sets and crystals there is work to be done before the stars rain in the night. Also, there is something funny about the water it cause weird stares and bad behavior. Then, other than the ocean there is little water to be experienced in SC so that could explain a few freak-outs. If the women (girls) in this movie were given some good shoes it would have improved the good looking leg ratios. If you figure out the plot please don't share there are still some great mysteries in the world we should let this be one for the ages.
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