Wonder of It All
4 November 2009
I could not disagree more with the previous posting that criticized "In the Shadow of the Moon". I thought "In the Shadow of the Moon" was exceptionally beautiful and inspiring - slightly more artistically done and poetic, in a way, as a film experience than "The Wonder of It All." "Shadow" did most certainly discuss all the other missions and the groundwork that earlier missions laid for the moon landings, plus the historical background of the entire space program. And the interviews in "Shadow" with Alan Bean and Gene Cernan (among others) were for the landings that followed Apollo 11. So it was not restricted to Apollo 11 only. Plus significant time was spent on Apollo 13. Both The Wonder of It All and In the Shadow of the Moon are important to see and cover similar content. "Shadow" interviews other astronauts while "Wonder" interviews only those who actually walked on the surface of the moon. Both are highly recommended.
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