A Breath Of Fresh Air....
12 September 2009
....and a break from the garbage.

Americans have long been subject to films that don't require much thought. If you like British films with a slightly underground feel, you'll like this one. And I mean 'underground' as in - you don't see films like this in the states very often. If you're bored with the usual, this is a step out of the box. And you'll want to stay out of the box!

Robert Carlyle is as awesome as you would expect and if you like the Full Monty then this is something else as well. You cant compare the two films because they are of course, different. But the intelligent writing here is just as apparent. Excellent acting all around actually.

The comedy is edgy and you can get cozy and settle into the plot easily while waiting for the next twist. This film is unpredictable and certainly surprises you with a strong - but subtle- approach to "romantic" comedy, anger, and family reality. Emotions are high but not over-blown. Somewhat deep but not complicated. This isn't one of those weird "foreign" films that so many Americans dread. Trust me! The word 'realism' even comes to mind. This could be somebody's life, neighborhood and family.

It is NOT a chick flick! And there is no bubble-gum romantic sense here at all. Thank God! It is simply something you will appreciate even if you aren't familiar with the actors or British comedy.

Highly recommended!
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