Review of District 9

District 9 (2009)
Good but disappointing
17 August 2009
I had read many of the critics reviews prior to seeing this. My expectations were set very high based on that. I was expecting a blade runner, the thing, pick a sci-fi classic, and it was supposed to rank with those. Unfortunately, this didn't quite make it in my mind. It was a good movie. The lead actor did a very good job. The CGI and special effects were excellent, and the story line was overall good. But for some reason, the one thing that the movie failed to do was to get me emotionally involved. I don't know why. It could have been the format of the film which had a lot of news clip type coverage. Heck, Starship Troopers had that but it was very good in a quirky way. I'm just having a hard time putting my finger on it. I also had trouble suspending disbelief at times and thought that parts of the movie were too implausible to buy into. I know a lot of people have raved about it. This may just be a case of some people not liking vanilla ice cream. I wouldn't discourage someone from seeing it. I just think it was a bit of a letdown.
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