The long and winding road to self-respect
13 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** One of the best and most thought-provoking films to come out of England during its "New Age" cinema revolution back in the late 1950's and early 1960's "the Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" never really got the recognition, from both moviegoers and film critics, that it so rightfully deserved at the time of its release back in 1962.

18 year-old Colin Smith,Tom Courtenay,never had the opportunities that most young men his age had in both education and social relationships. Gowing up in the poverty stricken section of Nottingham England Colin, a high school drop out, was now forced to became the Smith family bread winner. That's when Colin's father who despite having available to him the best of health care, due to the British free and government sponsored health system, opted to die at home without being cared and treated for his illness, a result from his work at the plant, at a local government financed hospital free of charge.

It was Colin's life of petty crime, since he either refused or could't find a job, that lead to his incarceration into the Ruxton Towers medium security boys reformatory out in the Nottingham countryside. Being a nonconformist and not wanting to take orders Colin does in fact find an outlet to his frustrations in life in long distance running. It there that he can reflect on the life he lead, and is still leading, that's leading him nowhere but to a life behind bars or, like his dad, an early grave.

The reformatory's headmaster The Governor, Michael Redgrave, is obsessed in Ruxton Towers winning the five mile cross-country race and sees in Colin, who's by far the fastest boy on his running team, the person who can make his dream come true. This has Colin given all the freedom he needs by being allowed to run for hours, outside the conferment of the reformatory, to build up his wind and leg strength for the upcoming big race against Ruxton Towers rival in the cross-country race the exclusive prep school Ranley. It's during these long and lonely running sessions out in the Nottingham countryside that Colin starts to get a new insight on life. It's that insight that will have Colin overcome his fears not only of the outside world but reinforce his, being the nonconformist that he is, independence in him resisting being made to play ball with authority figures like the Governor; Who despite his good intentions for Colin is only interested in using the troubled young man to farther his own career!

***SPOILER ALERT***As the big race nears Colin's resentment in him being used for other people's, like the Governor, gains starts to conflict with his wanting to win the race for his own glory and salvation. Colin had been told by the Governor that if he wins he'll be released and given a chance to compete for England in the upcoming Olympics. What the Governor doesn't quite realize that is that the only salvation that Colin wants is freedom from being controlled and manipulated by men of authority like him! And it's in that grueling five mile long race that Coiln will show the Governor, and everyone in attendance, not just what he's made of, in his running ability, but how he can turn it on or off to his and only his, not the Governor's, advantage!
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