It's been done before, and better
11 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is your typical mind-swap movie, wherein two characters wake up to find themselves in each other's bodies.

Then there's a small amount of American-Pie-style humor, as the two characters are of opposite sexes so they get to explore their new genitals.

Near the end, the two characters are falling for each other, and it looks as if the film will finally turn a corner and present something new, but instead the characters inexplicably return back to their original bodies without even having to go to sleep, ending their obvious enjoyment they were getting out of their unexpectedly new futures.

But of course, as Ghost proved a generation ago, the tender sensibilities of the US can't have minds in opposite-sex bodies, because that's too transgressive.

While I'm disappointed that Elton John was associated with this homophobic project that actually includes the line "that's so gay", I'm not surprised. He's become quite the Gay Uncle Tom in his later years. Had I known he was involved, I would have avoided this film.

For the Kinky Boots writer Geoff Deane to be involved in this is frankly baffling. This film is the anti-Kinky-Boots. And that's why I'm turning that 9 upside down and giving it the 6 it deserves, entirely based on Kevin's cuteness, which is about all this thing has going for it.
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