next Sunday .a.d
21 June 2009
What can be said about Mystery Science Theater 3000? Well lots actually, it's a very funny series where one guy and two puppets comment on B movies from between the 50's and the 80's. The pitch doesn't sound all that, but the comedic timing of these three is unparallelled. I'm not sure how many times they subjected themselves to the likes of Puma man or Space mutiny to notice every little continuity and plot hole errors, but it really pays off.

The series ran for quite a while on the Sci Fi channel on Sky, but not anymore, unfortunately the videos of these great shows is extremely hard to come by too. As such there is probably a large amount of people out there that have not had a chance to watch some of these great episodes. Word to the wise, go see them, it will be the best thing you ever did.
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