Hell's Heroes (1929)
on DVD or VHS????
7 June 2009
Regretfully, I only caught the last 15 minutes or so during its latest broadcast on TCM. I'm a Westerns buff and have seen both the later (Morris, et al & Wayne et al) versions, as well as the original silent. Ran across this one by accident when I got up too early on a Sunday morning. Despite having only seen its last 1/4 hour, I was ab-so-lutely blown away by how much better it was than any of those other productions. Wyler's direction is spectacular - visually spare while bursting with information. Does anyone know ANYWHERE I might be able to get a copy (DVD or VHS) for personal viewing? If I must, I will wait around for two or ten years 'til it shows up again on TCM (maybe Encore Westerns?), but I have got to see the whole thing. Thx for any help you can give. -peace
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