Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek Reincarnation
31 May 2009
I am surprised at the negative reviews of JJ Abram's "Star Trek." I walked out of the theater elated at the pure genius of the film. Of course as an aging "baby boomer" I grew up on the original Star Trek television series. The reason that I was elated is because I felt that Abrams had managed to capture the essence of those original characters in his young cast yet created something new.

Simon Cowell and the other judges of American Idol frequently encourage the singers to take the songs and make them something original and their own. This is what Abrams accomplished for me in his story. The characters all played their part as actors acting the characters of the original TV series, yet there was room for them to grow in new directions.

Because of the way the story ends, the scripting was brilliant in opening the door for the entire series to be redone with new stories using this new young cast. Star Trek is an American icon. Abrams treated the icon with respect and built the icon up even further. Peter Jackson did the same thing with his film version of Tolkien's, "Lord of the Rings." He captured the spirit of the books, yet transformed the book into the film medium and enriched the book with his work.

If you were a Trekkie, or a baby boomer who loved the TV series, you will love this movie.
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