Julius Caesar (1953)
Memorable and classic version based on Shakespeare tragedy with full of fine performances
20 April 2009
This excellent and stagy adaptation of the Shakespeare play concerns greedy fighting power and epic-historical treatment in ancient Roman empire . The picture happens after battles of Munda and Farsalia when Pompeyo is defeated by Julius Caesar (Louis Calhern) and once having conquered Gaul . Caesar (100-40 B. C.) goes back to Rome and crosses the river Rubicon with attempt to do himself sole governor of the empire , a purpose resented by those who still had hopes of retaining the centuries-old Republican form of ruling . Then the aristocratic party , including Brutus (James Mason) , supposedly Caesar's illegitimate son, and Cassius (John Gielgud) prepare a conspiracy at March 15 , 44 B. C. -Idus of March- and they murdered Caesar. The filming developed an intent at historic realism , retelling various facts , finishing in the battle of Philippi , where the second triumvirate (Marc Anthony , Lepido and Octavius Augustus: Caesar's grandnephew and his heir) defeated Caesar's assassins and subsequently splitting the Empire among them . MGM's acclaimed production of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar !.

Julius Caesar(1953) displays outstanding performances from James Mason as Brutus , Louis Calhern as unforgettable Caesar , Deborah Kerr as Brutus's wife, and Greer Garson as Calpurnia , Caesar's first wife, the second one was Cleopatra who is left out of the action entirely . And , of course , an electrifying Marlon Brando as Mark Anthony , who makes a terrific acting using Stanislawski method and extraordinary soliloquy over Caesar's body . Acting enjoyable enough spread correctly to the secondaries roles as Ian Wolfe , George McReady ,Michael Pate , Edmund Purdom , Douglas Drumbull and Alain Napier as Cicero . Remains surprisingly faithful to Shakespeare playwright and writing directly from original , unlike many other historic movies at the time . Caesar assassination is well staged and a spectacular final regarding the battle of Philippi was added by film production , though Mankiewicz to be opposed because he wished a movie completely theatrical . Deservedly won Academy Award for art direction and production design by Cedric Gibbons . Efficiently produced by actor John Houseman and directed with professionalism and imagination by Joseph L Mankiewicz . This gripping movie will appeal to Shakespeare devotees but its spirit is intact , despite being taken brief liberties in its adaptation . Shakespeare would have admired this classic film. It's followed by an inferior remake , being the original much better version , and directed in 1970 by Stuart Burge with Charlton Heston (Marlon Brando's role) , Jason Robards (James Mason-lookalike) , Robert Vaughn (Edmond O'Brien,Casca role-alike), Jill Bennet (Greer Garson) , Diana Rigg (Deborak Kerr's character) and repeating acting by John Gielgud as Julius Caesar role replacing his phenomenal previous character as Cassius .
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