Review of Bogus

Bogus (1996)
Depardieu est formidable plus encore - et tres amusant aussi...
19 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In his graceful overgrown sheepdog sort of way Gerard Depardieu good - naturedly has this movie in his hip pocket.He grins wryly,shrugs in the Gallic manner and mugs his way happily through what could have been a syruppy saccharine part as Albert's imaginary friend come to life to help him deal with the death of his beloved circus performer mother. Farmed out to Whoopi Goldberg - a reluctant stepmother if there ever was one - Albert (young Master Osment) is a rebel without a pause until Bogus shows him the common ground he and Miss Goldberg can inhabit. I would normally walk a mile over broken glass in my bare feet to avoid movies about cute kids and their imaginary pals,but "Bogus" never quite takes itself seriously.Just when you fear it might turn into a blubfest there is a change of mood and we're off to the races,as it were,with Gerard and Whoopi in the saddle. The soundtrack is marvellous,Depardieu and La Goldberg have a lot of fun with some energetic dance routines and the movie is an all-round happy experience.A wonderful alternative to watching the FTSE and Dow Jones drop to an all - time low whilst waiting in vain for the first banker to jump out of a window.
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