Review of Yasmin

Yasmin (2004)
19 March 2009 about the problems and conflicts of a traditional but educated Muslim woman, called Yasmin, trying to live a modern "Western" life, especially after 9/11. The main characters are Yasmin, her family and her colleague John Bailey. The protagonist Yasmin Husseini tries to live and handle two lives. On the one hand, she cares according to tradition for her family, on the other hand she is a social worker in a bigger town and feels attracted to her English colleague John Bailey. She absolutely keeps her two lives apart from each other. But after 9/ 11 her life changes completely… The director wants the audience to think about prejudices against minorities and sticks to the message that nobody has the right to judge others just because of their religion or culture. If you like to learn more about the problems of ethnic minorities in England you should watch that movie because it shows the contrast between traditional and modern lifestyle in an extremely shocking way. It offers the view from the eyes of a Muslim foreign woman. It's critical, sarcastic and very interesting!
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