Too Hot Not to Handle (2006 TV Movie)
Fear Mongering
14 March 2009
They scam about global warming is coming to an end. There may be a little global warming, but #1-It is NOT man made. The oceans release more CO2 in a year than mankind has released since the industrial revolution. A single active volcano eruption pour 100 times the C02 man has contributed since the invention of the combustible engine. #2-Global warming is not, I repeat, IS NOT a bad thing. According to scientists, not politicians, but scientists, this warming has occurred before as weather has always gone in cycles. The last time we had a slight warming, less than 10 degree centigrade (which is what the fear mongering hacks are claiming), our global society prospered. Greenland wasn't named Greenland because it was a frozen tundra. At one time Greenland was one of the greatest tropical paradises there was. The greatest movie that you can see on global warming is called "The Great Global Warming Swindle". I highly recommend it to anyone concerned with the hoax. This documentary was made by scientists, not political hacks with an agenda driven motive to gain even more control over this planet.

All of the misguided and intentional misinformation is beginning to be exposed and the truth will be known. I hope Al Gore is handed his head on a platter and they revoke his Nobel Peace Prize, which no longer carries any credibility as far as I'm concerned.
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