Ultimate Avengers II (2006 Video)
not-so-Ultimate Avengers too
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
With ultimate Avengers 2, i can see that Marvel is moving away from just doing another animated adaptation of "The Ultimates"(an excellent graphic novel miniseries by Mark Millar) but rather, establishing the "Ultimate Avenger" universe as a separate animated universe altogether.

The Black Panther is introduced here and the whole Chitauri arc from the first movie is carried on to a satisfying conclusion. Overall better than the first movie but my main beef is that IT'S TOO SHORT!!!!

A few points good and bad 1) The violence. Its been taken up a notch with the movie starting off with the bloody death of the original Black Panther. Every punch, cut, and hit that the characters take are presented very intensely. Not overly violence as, say, SPAWN, but sufficiently bloody to not want to let 11 year olds and below to watch.

2) The story. Definitely better than the first since it doesn't have any prior graphic novel to live up to. the story does sufficiently well on its own, only problem is that its too short.

3) THe characters. Give and take. Some characters like Captain American, Black Panther and Bruce banner are developed very well here and you get to understand their full intentions and purpose on why they do what they do and why they are who they are. I expected more from Hank Pym(Giant Man) though, *SPOILER*seeing as how he dies at the end*SPOILER END*

4)The animation. Got better i must say. THe matte backgrounds are definitely more stunning and less "flat" compared to those in the first movie, especially the external jungle and Wakanda scenes. However, the inconsistency is still there. Great scenes like Black Panther's first battle with the Avengers + Captain America and Black Panther's final fight with Klaiser all are very detailed, very smooth animation with high frame rate and no "short cuts". However, the "big" scenes like the aliens worldwide invasion and the Wakanda alien big battle look terrible. The move to do everything in traditional 2D is a noble one in this day and age of overly used 3D animation, but a good blending of 2D and cel-shaded 3D would have been better for the big battle scenes. The animation is still not up to MOVIE standard but will suffice as a TV show.

Once again, if Marvel had combined Ultimate Avengers 1 and 2 and Marketed them as, say, a 8 episode miniseries? I'm sure people wont be so quick to criticize. But alas, they marketed them as 2 movies and thus making the public expect MOVIE quality animation and story. What we have is a top-of-the-line first few episodes of a TV series, or good OVA miniseries, or sub-par movie.
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