A Miser Brothers' Christmas (2008 TV Movie)
You really can't go back...
26 December 2008
As with practically every TV show and movie, when you try to resurrect characters years later, the efforts are usually pretty pale imitations of the original. Some examples are the new Indiana Jones movie, the latest Star Wars films and attempts to revive the TV show "The Odd Couple". If I really thought about it, I am sure I could create a very long list of such misses--and you could as well.

Well, in this same tradition, two somewhat obscure characters from the Rankin-Bass special, THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS (1974) debuted--the Heat Miser and Snow Miser. They were great characters for kids and when I recently saw this old TV special again, I still enjoyed their antics. When my daughter found out that these two guys were returning for a NEW special, she insisted we watch it.

The show is once again nominally about Santa Claus and through some intrigue that I could care less about, the evil North Wind is intent on destroying Santa and it's up to the two feuding Misers to make up and work together for the good of Christmas. In addition there are a whole host of immortals who control earthquakes, nature and head lice (I made that one up). This is all rather odd, I grant you. The problem is that not only are these new characters rather boring, but as a result of all this silly mumbo-jumbo, this hardly seems like a Christmas special at all! Additionally, the old Rankin-Bass stop-motion style has been replaced with a nice looking but noticeably different CG animation that is meant to mimic stop-motion. So, in other words, they deliberately made the characters move in a jerky fashion to imitate the old film. But, try as they might, it didn't look like the old film but this wasn't nearly the problem that the insipid story posed to the production.

As far as the voice talents go, most of the original cast had either died or perhaps weren't interested other than Mickey Rooney who once again plays Santa. You can't blame them for not getting Shirley Booth or Dick Shawn since they were dead, but it was terribly obviously different if you watched this immediately after seeing THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS. Mrs. Claus, in addition to a different voice, has been replaced with a younger and sexier new Mrs. Claus! The bottom line is that a bad story and too many changes result in a movie that the kids might like but parents will find tough going. Watchable, but just barely.
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