A Miser Brothers' Christmas (2008 TV Movie)
Could've been so much better
22 December 2008
My biggest gripe on this one was not Snow Miser or Heat Miser...it was the other characters in this story. I think they did a decent job with the two main characters, but outside of them everything was beyond terrible. They did not even try to replicate the characters. They all looked different.....much cheaper. The elves for example looked not as detailed...they looked like an after thought. In fact, most of the elves were kids or kids with mustaches. Mrs. Claus looked like that lady from Sylvester and Tweety...you know the granny that hits Sylvester over the head with a cane. Santa Claus......it's hard to describe....he looked like he was from another story...not a Year Without Santa Claus. Mother Nature? The same. Why no Jingle and Jangle? Seriously why do a half attempt. It is almost like they were rushing this out for Christmas and said...oops we gotta get this out in a couple days hurry up design some characters.

On top of that, the music was terrible....besides playing the Heat Miser and Snow Miser themes on more than one occasion. They even had Snow Miser sing "He's Mister Green Christmas". Then had Heat Miser sing "He's Mister White Christmas". Any opportunity to play this song possible. Other than these songs......hardly a thought was given to the music.

I did enjoy baby Snow Miser and baby Heat Miser. And seeing both Characters again.

It was nice to hear the original Santa and Heat Miser voices included....although both voices where different due to the fact both men are now in their 80's.....especially Santa. I really had no gripes with Snow Miser cast. Everything else...URGH! I ask why they just could not do this right. Make the Characters look at least somewhat like they used to...which means include Jingle and Jangle. Spend a little more time coming up with decent Christmas songs.

It hurts me to say this but...........thumbs down.
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