Review of Ghost Town

Ghost Town (I) (2008)
"Only a life lived for others is worth living" - Albert Einstein
20 December 2008
Let's get this out of the way at the beginning of this review. I don't like romantic comedies. There, I've said it. I'll watch practically anything but if you were to put something like "Sleepless In Seattle" in front of me I'd leave the room.

Why then, did I enjoy this movie so much? A large part of that answer comes from the man chosen for the lead - British comedian Ricky Gervais has had a great deal of success with the creation of "The Office" and his "Extras" television series. As Bertram Pincus (great name, by the way), the lonely dentist who loathes human contact (and human beings in general), Gervais' style of deadpan humour shines in almost every scene.

He is backed by a superb cast, including Greg Kinnear as the ghostly husband of widow Tea Leoni (an actress I've never particularly warmed to but who actually surprised me in this movie), whose performance never overshadows Gervais' but provides great support especially in the scenes where the two are alone together.

Whilst it may not feature many laugh-out-loud moments, "Ghost Town" has the ability to bring a genuine smile to your face and has something which many other comedies lack - a heart. Sure, it could easily be described as 'Scrooge In Manhattan' and it features many things you will have seen before (such as onlookers staring in horror at Gervais who appears to be talking to himself when he's conversing with the ghosts), but "Ghost Town" has many of its own unique charms.

Directed by David Koepp, the movie is a genuinely moving experience featuring a believable transformation in its main character who comes to realise that his self-imposed isolation and selfish ways are only hurting himself.

I found myself thinking about "Ghost Town" long after the credits had rolled, and have since recommended it to friends. It's a terrible shame that the movie didn't find an audience when it was released in cinemas, but I hope it will find one on DVD. It certainly deserves to and that's not a statement I often make about romantic comedies.
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