The Big Scare (1974)
Boring vampire film
17 December 2008
Peter Cushing in a vampire movie. Sound good? Yes I thought so too...until I saw Tender Dracula. This is a French film and comes across as something like an arty Hammer Horror flick. The plot focuses on two writers. They go on a trip with their girlfriends (who both look like men in drag) and end up at the castle of an aging actor. He is famous for portraying vampires on screen; but as the night progresses, the group begins to wonder if the man is really acting when he is on screen. The film basically consists of eighty five minutes of boring dialogue and as you can probably imagine; it gets boring quickly. The copy I saw was of really poor quality; but in spite of that it's clear that the film doesn't utilise any particularly interesting locations which helps to make it more of a dull experience. The title, 'Tender Dracula' lead me to believe that it might be some sort of soft-core porn outing, but there's no sex or nudity in the film and the title is quite inappropriate. I'd hesitate even to call this a horror film really since there's no actual horror in it. Tender Dracula is a 'lost' film, and really that is for good reason and I doubt it will be resurfacing any time soon!
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