What a brilliant film
14 December 2008
In some ways Peter Howitt's work of (undiluted) genius is a counterpart to Truffaut's "La Nuit Américaine", although it's kind of an updated version. Following the other reviewer's suggestion I would say it's the "Trainspotting" version of it. If there ever was a portrait of a filmmaker on film, this is it. This film should be required watching for everybody who loves films and who wants to know how it is to make one. And yet it's so much more. It's a huge portion of life squeezed into 110 minutes of yours. It's amazing, it's f.....g brilliant (as a German I'm hesitant to use swearwords, but hey) it's a ride-of-a-lifetime it's so much more than in my humble words I would ever be able to describe. I watched it in Tokyo on the film festival and one hour after I left the screening I started to cry, in the middle of a crowded street. Or no, I laughed and cried at the same time. Actually I thought they might arrest me, but nothing happened. Maybe they felt pity for me, or thought people do that in Europe - but what they didn't notice was, it was a GLORIOUS crying, because I realized, in an instant, how wonderful it is to be alive. What a film.
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