Fable II (2008 Video Game)
Not what it should have been.
31 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In Albion a young child is encouraged to buy a magical musical box by a mysterious stranger. This brings the child and sister to the attention of Lord Lucien, the ruler of the land, who wants to use the box to bring back his dead wife and daughter. Tragedy strikes and the child (your character) is left alone. Taken to a hidden camp you're brought up by the mysterious Theresa until one day she suggests it's time to go and hunt Lucien down.

'Fable 2' is the sequel to one of the best games on the original Xbox, a game I thoroughly loved. The makers have delayed the release a few times, promising that the game would be huge and a real living land. Here they fall short. The original was short, six to eight hours to fully explore the land. 'Fable 2' took me around twelve to fourteen hours, including time spent after the main quest finished to wrap a few things up. This isn't the game promised. Yes, the levels are bigger and more beautiful, but there isn't much aside from finding hidden treasures to do after the game is done. The missions are varied and well paced enough. Compared to 'Elder Scrolls: Oblivion' this game is small.

The voice acting is great. The script is well written and has a lot of different shades that can draw you in. Although your character never speaks, you have a soul that as a player you can believe in. Interactions with the world do have consequences, changing things forever. You can choose your path, for good or evil, and the decisions alter the character physically. There is no customisation, a feature found in all RPG's these days, so the lack here is awful. Your pet dog, which is supposed to be a creature you can project emotion onto, is only good for sniffing out hidden treasures. Even if you level up its fighting ability it turns out to be useless.

Some of the areas from the original are back, but changed. It's a thrill remembering how things were and comparing them to what there is there now. Again you can get married, but this time you can have children and have to raise the family as well as saving the world.

The achievements are a puzzle. As a Microsoft game the awards are huge for merely progressing in the game. If you play online with a friend they can also benefit from your hard work and get the same achievement for just being there and watching. It is fun looking in on someone's world to see how their choice has shaped the land. You also cannot die. Although your life can get knocked down to nothing all that happens is you spring back up with the loss of some experience. It means there's no sense of achievement in defeating a boss with clever tactics. You can simply charge in and just bash away until you win through. This is obviously aimed at casual gamers who don't want to be constantly having to retry parts of the game they can't get around.

A good game, but flawed, this is the game that the original 'Fable' should have been and it doesn't address the problems I had with the original. Could have been so much better than it is and the main quest could have been much longer.
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