Not as good as the first one, still it had enough gore, violence and nudity to keep one entertained.
23 October 2008
Yes, this movie is not quite up to par with the first one. My first complaint has to do with the way the characters were introduced. They replaced the whole words on the screen with a kind of video introduction that just is not as good as the "Animal House" type description of characters. The character's this time are not quite as appealing as the first either. I really liked the guy considered the jerk in the first movie and all the characters who had a large role were good. I really missed Rollins in this one, though I realize they could not really bring him back. Granted I did like that Clu was back as was Honey, and I rather liked the midget wrestler's too. Nobody else though was really all that special as the biker chick was a bit to serious for this movie. The story in this one is just a sort of a continuation of the first movie. Apparently, the monsters that attacked the bar were not alone as another group were attacking a small town at about the same time. We our introduced to some new characters and a biker chick who was the sister of the girl blown up in the first. She is out to get our hero from the last movie, last seen driving away in his car. The one gal is back in this film who left the people in the bar for dead too, granted it looks like the main reason she was brought back was so she could be tortured. So what can you expect from this movie. Lots of gore and kills that is to be sure. A monster autopsy that goes beyond the yuck factor, you just will shake your head at parts of that. A less than spectacular baby rescue. A rather stupid attempt at a catapult for flinging little people, though grandma gets to go first and lots of monsters tearing through the city and doing it with cats. Still, feels like a movie that is direct to video and has a cheapness about it the first movie did not. The ending to was a bit disappointing as it seemed right out of the very bad "Automaton Transfusion".
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