The Rocker (2008)
Hugely enjoyable.
19 October 2008
1986 - Robert 'Fish' Fishman is the drummer of an up and coming rock band called Vesuvius. However, on the night they are offered a massive record deal, they are told there is a catch.... they have to sack the drummer. Twenty years later, Fish is still angry about that, but when offered the chance to play drums for his nephew's rock band at the Prom, he see this as a chance get to live the rock lifestyle he always wanted....

In many ways, The Rocker is a sequel to School Of Rock, in that you have the older band member, with much younger band members. The difference here though, is that they are all in their late teens. But even these similarities don't hide the fact that for it's running time, The Rocker is hugely enjoyable.

The cast, lead by Rainn Wilson are all good. Wilson as Fish gets to over the top as he lives out his dream, and while some of his antics are a bit childish at times, they are probably no worse that what actual bands get up to at times. The fact that the rest of the band, are normal teens makes Fish's antics even funnier.

As for the rest of the band members, yes you do have some clichéd characters. There is the sensitive lead singer/song-writer, the Indie- spirited girl, and the genius but shy keyboard player. Despite this however, each person develops as the movie progresses, even Fish and while some plot developments in the movie are very predictable, this doesn't detract from the enjoyment.

Peter Cattaneo, who also directed The Full Monty, keeps things moving along nicely. The script, while not a laugh out loud riot (for me anyway), did keep a smile on my face all the way through. The music in the movie is also well done. Not only in the choice of background music, but also the songs that the band have written themselves.

The Rocker will never be remembered as an all-time comedy classic. But for it's running time, it is very enjoyable, keeps you smiling and is very entertaining.
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