Lots of gimmicks but lacks story.
13 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A whole lot is thrown at the screen here, but there is no cohesive or interesting story. In the special features, the director says that he told he writer "biker chicks, little people, a catapult" and had him write a story on that. And it shows. While Feast I was fresh, original, funny, with characters to root for, here they've just turned everything up a couple of notches, just for the sake of it: so we have the shooting of a dog, a baby's death, all sorts of bodily functions and liquids thrown at people's faces, sacrificing of a grandmother. Nothing is sacred, except a good script. The result is not funny, or all that involving.

The story starts with a biker chick finding the hand of her dead sister and swearing revenge on whoever is responsible. She drags along the bartender from part I and has her fellow gang members join her. She is the main character and is rather unattractive. No Krista Allen to be seen here, unfortunately. There are some cute fellow biker chicks but they don't get to do anything or say anything. At least near the end two of them get topless.

They end up in a town and meet up with: 2 Mexican little people wrestlers and their grandmother, a sleazy used car lot owner, his woman who is cheating on him with an even sleazier car salesman, some other survivor from part I whose involvement is pointless. For no reason whatsoever, all of these people agree to take part in the gang leaders quest to avenge her sister's death. This involves getting into to town jail where the killer and his relative are. The jail is also the safest place in town.

Meanwhile, the monsters are killing, eating, and reproducing with anything that is alive and in sight. But the sense of dread is not there at all. For a long time the monsters pose no threat to our group. Eventually they kill a monster and dissect it. During the dissection we get the over-the-top gross-out moments that involve all bodily fluids and then some. The plot is to make a key to get into the jail since the guy there won't let them in. That plan doesn't work. So the group gets on the roof of a building across the jail. The idea now is to catapult the little people onto the jails roof using a motorcycle's power to launch the catapult. How the bike got on the roof is anyone guess, but the movie doesn't care about details. It just wants to show us gimmicks. That plan doesn't work too well either. While all this is going on, a survivor girl from part I locked herself up in a store. Monsters are getting in, and she escapes.

This movie is somewhat of a letdown given that Feast I was so excellent. It suffers from a reverse sequel curse. Rather than running out of ideas, they overdid it completely. Out of the 15 or so character we have in this movie and who survive for most of the movie, none of them is noteworthy. Perhaps that's the point. What we should take note of is all the disgusting and offensive stuff. I can tolerate and accept all those scenes if there were a story and development to go with it, otherwise it's just the filmmakers bragging about what they were able to get away with. That said, the movie is nicely filmed. Unlike horror movies that keep the lame tradition of shooting everything in the dark, here it's all nicely lit. The cinematography is very good. There's a beautifully shot dream/nightmare scene. These guys know how to make a movie but they let their guard down and decided to just have fun with things rather than do the hard part and work at a script. It still recommended for horror fans, especially now that horror has become so sanitized. This is heavy dose of insanity and disgusting stuff to make up for that. But it's no Feast I nor particularly funny nor horrific.
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