What were they thinking!!!!!
6 October 2008
Toby, if you're reading this, please do your self a favor. I want you to go to the nearest Church, go to the alter, get down on your knees, then thank God that he forgave you for this awful film and allowed you to get the lead roles in good movies like Spider-man. If you're not a Christian then go to the nearest synagogue, moss, Hindu temple or what ever. If you an atheist then thank your own luck, but I think only God could have caused you to shake this awful movie from your reputation!

Toby plays a kid who now has to spend some time with his grumpy father and grandpa play by Mickey Rooney. The poor old man must of bin really desperate for cash if he agreed to this role. Any way, grandpa Rooney is a World War 1 vet who shot the evil Red Baron down in battle. I thought he was on our side? So Rooney take the parts of the Barons plane and makes a toy plane; that just happens to have real guns. When lighting strikes the plane the ghost of the Red Baron posses the toy, bringing it to life. So this toy plane complete with a cheap puppet polite goes on a killing spree. It up to Spiderman-oh sorry I mean Toby, to stop this evil!

To sum it up real quick, just in case you don't want read the rest; this movie sucks!!!! Stay away!!!!

Now for why. It's really hard to say who this movie is made for because it dose not seem to fit any genera.

Family Film? No way! This movie is way too violent for little kids. The Red Baron shoots who ever he comes across. He kills Toby father by electrocuting him and laughs "evilly" as he does it. This movie will scare the crap out of any one under 7. Parents stay away!

Horror movie then? Oh God no. As I said before any one under 7 will be scared. The rest us will be rolling in our seats in pain! The Red Baron is the worst villain of all time. He is nothing but a cheap puppet with one of the worst German Accents I have heard in my life. It seem like the movie is trying to be scary and yet at the same time try's to avoid being scary. The music is just too bright and happy for a horror flick. The evil one liners suck and how all the characters act in the film kill's any scary mood to this movie. Which never existed to begin with!

Then maybe it's a Comedy you ask? Nope, you see dear reader comedies are funny. This is just painful. The humor in this is much like something that a 5 year old would write. The humor, if that is humor there attempting at, is so cheesy that no one will be able to laugh! The only thing funny and scary about this movie is how did this movie get a script and production team to agree to make it! This is one those idea's that should stay in a writers head, not to be shared to anyone.....ever.

If you do come across this movie on DVD don't watch it. Here a list of things I like you to do instead.

1. Take a hammer and smash it. 2. Take a gun and shoot it. 3. Flush it down the toilet. 4. Burn it 5. Drive over it with your car. Just don't watch it. That would be a waste of your time and sanity.

That why I give this plane crash a big fat 1 out of 10.

and I hope it burns in hell.....
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