Above average Kay in her B movie years
25 September 2008
Kay Francis is one of the "Women in the Wind" in this 1939 film centering around a female pilot flying contest. Kay plays Janet Steele, whose brother was a famous pilot until crippled in a flying accident. She wants money to hire a specialist, so being a good pilot herself, she decides to enter a flying contest for women where the reward is $15,000. She approaches recent flying record-winner Ace Boreman (William Gargan) for his plane, Polly. She finally convinces him to let her use it when what he thinks is his ex-wife Frieda (Sheila Bromley) steps in and tells him their divorce isn't legal, the plane is hers, and she's flying it in the race. All Janet knows is that Ace reneged; what she doesn't find out is that gets an even better plane for her to fly - it's set up so that she doesn't know it's from him. The race is on.

This is a good movie, nicely directed by John Farrow and well above the dreck Warners handed Francis to get her to quit. The cast is good and includes Eddie Foy, Frank Faylen and Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom in smaller roles. Eve Arden does a lively job as a friend and competitor in the race. Gargan was famous when I was growing up because he had a laryngectomy - interesting guy - he does okay here, but it's nothing special. Victor Jory plays Janet's boyfriend, a doctor who is encouraging her to hire the specialist.

All in all, pretty good, and Francis does her usual terrific job.
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