Review of Victim

Victim (1961)
Internalized Homophobia Can Twist A Soul
21 September 2008
Five years before Parliament repealed the sodomy laws in Great Britain, unfortunately too late for the colonies they had already let go in the third world who still have vigorously enforced sodomy laws on the books, Basil Dearden directed this ground breaking film Victim about a group of gay men being blackmailed.

The ring starts to unravel when young Peter McEnery is caught embezzling funds from his construction firm. But this embezzler is hardly living it up considering the money he's taken. When the police investigate and try to get the truth out of him, McEnery hangs himself in his cell.

What else back then could he have done he thought? He was guilty of breaking the law for an act of love that could have gotten him jail time. One of the people McEnery thinks of when he looks for money to quickly leave the United Kingdom was barrister Dirk Bogarde. But Bogarde refuses to see him.

Bogarde was like so many gay men who even today still live in the closet because of pressure in the areas they do live and in the professions they are in. But back then being open could close a lot of career doors to one. But his back is up and he's figuring whoever is blackmailing McEnery will be knocking on his door shortly.

Of course the hard part is telling wife Sylvia Sims of his predicament. He's married to her because convention expects it. He was in fact more open with her about his life than either Heath Ledger or Jake Gyllenhaal was in Brokeback Mountain, but he said to her he'd left all that behind when he took the marriage vows. I'm sure he tried also in his own way.

And he's feeling guilty a bit about McEnery's death. It sends him on a quest to flush these bottom feeding slime balls out from under the rocks they were hiding under.

Bogarde of course was a closeted gay man himself and never quite came out in his life. He was in a committed relationship for over 40 years and was at the time of Victim. Another closeted gay man was Dennis Price who has a small role as an actor and another of the blackmailer's victims. These two guys were taking daring steps for 1961.

What I liked best about this film was the portrayal of the young blackmailer Derren Nesbitt. He hangs around the gay haunts of 1961 London at the time with his latest camera equipment just taking all kinds of candid shots for future use. There's a scene in his room where he's talking real tough on the phone to one of his victims. He gets up off his bed to leave the room and the camera takes in a picture on the wall of an anatomically correct Greek statue. This poor wretch of a human being was fighting his own feelings because of what society told him was wrong. Internalized homophobia can twist a soul like nothing else. That Basil Dearden was farsighted enough to pick up on that in people and use it in the film is commendable.

Bogarde knows his career will be in the toilet but does it anyway. I'd like to think when those laws were repealed which they would be later in the Sixties, he could pick the pieces up. Many never could.

Which brings to mind one of my claimants from my former job at New York State Crime Victims Board. A dear little man named Ernie who is probably not with us any longer. He was living in an SRO in New York City and was assaulted by a trick he picked up in the mid Eighties, Ernie was in his early sixties.

When I got to know him, I found out that he had a degree in political science and had graduated before World War II from the Columbia University School of Far East Studies. He had hopes to enter the Foreign Service, but the McCarthy era discouraged that. Back then he was a 'security risk' because of his sexual orientation. So robbed of the career he could have had by homophobia he slid gradually down the societal scale until I met him. He made a living doing secretarial temp work when he wasn't abusing a lot of substance.

As surely as Dirk Bogarde's career went, so did Ernie's in real life. And this review is dedicated to Ernie and all the others like him who could not realize their full potential because of some archaic mores.
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