Invincible (2001 TV Movie)
a pathetic "fairytale" about Good and Evil by retarded and underfunded boy-men who watched too much matrix and kung-fu
19 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen but 10 min of the movie, but i've seen enough. It had potential, you say? Well, let me break it down for you.

Os, formerly one of the "Shadowmen" (who were "exiled to the Earth for committing crimes against cosmic evolution") is accosted by the "White Warrior" and converted by the "Light". Now a soldier of good, he must fight the bad guys ("Shadowmen"), with the aid of the "Elements", who have come into the possession of some "Tablet" and threaten to destroy the Earth.

If you're older than 6 and that sounds like potential... Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're in a serious need of a life.

The plot's simply inane. I'm all for a little bit of the good ole Good vs. Evil type of action, but not when it seems to have been written by a slightly retarded kid who's never been out of the house and is fed a steady diet of New Age, Matrix and X-Box. And whose only layer is Absolutely Superficial. I mean, layered "adult fairy tales" are one thing - obvious, jejune, insultingly simple stories for the slow on the uptake are another. Add to that idiotic electronic "score" (compliments of Casio defaults), cheap "effects", laughable studio scenery and lighting, wanna-be Matrix/kung-fu fights, amateurish camera-work, and a lot of "profound", solemnly-delivered lines containing a lot of capitalized nouns ("the War is within", "Freedom is inside all life"...) and you get a mess that's so bad it ain't even funny. No, seriously. This is a whole new level.
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