Bonekickers (2008)
OK, so it's not dazzling, but I still like it.
5 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I, as many other people, could not wait for the start of this new programme. I have a tradition of watching pretty much all of the BBC's 6-parter shows (Waking the Dead, New Tricks for example) and this seemed like it would be another top notch programme.

OK, so it may not be exactly what I expected, but you know something? I don't really care. I keep watching throughout, every episode, I never go to the loo or make tea or anything. It may be far fetched a lot of the time (ok, most of the time... OK, all of the time) and the characters don't 'sock it to you' as such, but I always want to know what happens and despite everything, I do like the characters, I've quite warmed to the stubborn Gilly and Dolly the Indiana Jones aspirant.

After tonight's revelation, I really cannot wait until the next episode, to see what happens between Viv and Gilly. I bet you want to know too, even if you won't admit it and say you can't stand the show. Over the top and melodramatic it may be, but I think that's part of the charm.

So, please, don't try and take Bonekickers too seriously, because that's where you'll find it falls down. It's not majorly historically accurate, but I've picked up a few odd things that are interesting, and the team isn't above and beyond, but they're characters in their own right and I do care about them, I think that makes a good show.
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