Review of Taken

Taken (I) (2008)
26 July 2008
For the first fifteen minutes or so, you are convinced that "Taken" is just going to be another run-of-the-mill action movie, albeit with a strange choice of action hero. We meet Bryan (Liam Neeson) who seems quite ordinary, as he attempts to hold onto his relationship with the daughter (Maggie Grace) who lives with his ex-wife. He takes a brief job as a bodyguard and we see a glimpse of something extraordinary about Bryan when the girl he is protecting is attacked. So far though, the movie is pretty average.

But then his daughter is kidnapped in Paris and that's when the entire movie moves up about five gears.

Although there are certain plot holes in the story, if you're looking for something to satisfy your craving for action in the style of the Bourne movies, then you're going to forgive those and go along for the ride. And what a ride it is! Once Bryan arrives in Paris, the concerned father persona gives way to another; a terrifying whirlwind of fury which will do anything to get back what was taken from him. Legs are broken, faces destroyed, rounds of gunfire are emptied into fleeing men and torture is employed. If you thought a 56 year old Liam Neeson would be slower and less impressive than a 32 year old Matt Damon, you'd be dead wrong.

Once the main storyline of "Taken" began, I found my eyes glued to the screen. You see, Neeson does two things here - firstly, he completely sells the audience the fact that he is a father who will go to any lengths to get his daughter back alive. You see the concern in his eyes when he learns who has taken her and you see the absolute, unconditional love he has for her. Secondly, he convinces you that he really does possess the "particular set of skills" he warns one of the kidnappers about. You've seen Neeson in many movies but you've never quite seen him like this. The scene where he takes out an entire den of kidnappers at high speed by stabbing and shooting people before they barely have a chance to react is a particular highlight.

In summary, "Taken" is one of the best action movies of 2008. Give it a chance and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at just how enjoyable it is.
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