Marple: Sleeping Murder (2006)
Season 2, Episode 1
I like it, and i have read the book..
13 July 2008
Here's a thought. In filmed adaption of crime novels, more often than not-the plot is changed. Often radically. Does it spoil the story ? If you expect the film to be like a book summary, yes. But an adaption is a film, a totally different medium, BASED on the book. Now does this justify the changes made to Dame Agathas novel ? Does it make the story more suitable for film ?That is for anyone to comment, but please. Do not slaughter the movie for not being accurate to every novel detail. In my humble opinion, the changes does make the story more interesting. I love Agatha Christies books, but I always found her Poirot-stories more suitable for film adaption. At least if one wants the adaption to be faithful to the novel. I agree with most commentators here, the Hickson Marple is far more accurate with the novels in mind. But the changed Marple like this one is more colorful, more vivid and hence more entertaining. The acting is excellent, the filming is stunning and the mystery is certainly adequate. There are little holes in the plot, but there is nothing new in that. All in all, well done- and a brave adaption to put some freshness into the sometimes-please forgive me all you faithful-slightly boring Marplestories.
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