I Hate To Be Cruel, But...
3 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
God bless the Sci Fi Channel. It never ceases to amaze me with its ineptitude. And GRYPHON may well be something of a pinnacle. I dare you to find a film that features a more pathetic CGI creature.

Beyond that, we get a plot that seems to toss every Harry Potter cliché imaginable at its audience. I can picture a bunch of guys in the Sci Fi Channel's boardroom shaking their heads in unison with an executive's ranting.

"What this story needs is more magic."

"Yes, RJ."

"And some knights. I like knights. They could fight each other with swords."

"Yes, RJ."

"And don't forget the women. We could make them witches. Witches in tight costumes. Did they have rubber suites back then?"

"Whatever you say, RJ."

It probably didn't happen that way, but it might as well have. The only pleasure here is seeing the painfully miscast Larry Drake struggle to deliver lines that sound like they were written to entertain kindergarteners.
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