Review of Layer Cake

Layer Cake (2004)
To clever by half.
17 June 2008
Yuppie drug dealer XXXX believes he can walk away with his ill-gotten gains but his supplier has some tasks for him to perform. Unsurprisingly enough nothing is what it seems and soon XXXX is running around like a blue-arsed fly trying to keep a variety of plates in the air as Serbian drug-lords, East End crime barons, Scouse pushers and a variety of other low lifes threaten to disrupt his equilibrium. Even with the endless narration it's all a bit much to keep track of, but the film is rescued by fine ensemble acting from a dream cast.

Sadly none if it is very convincing and as the mayhem reaches its climax you realise why real criminals don't behave like this: they'd be too busy robbing, murdering and double-crossing each other to get any crimes done and in six months they'd all be dead. This is a film where everyone's trying to be too clever, both characters and director, and it's a shame because the ingredients are there for a splendid movie.

Still it's easy to see from this why Craig got the Bond role and he could do well to bring a bit more of XXXX to it.
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