The Perfect Metal Gear Experience
16 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers.. I wont try to... but.. :P When i played the first metal gear game i was BLOWN away by the story. It was fantastic, engaging and the characters were all deep and interesting. The control scheme took some getting used to, but before long i was snapping necks/avoiding with the best of them.

Then i cranked MGS2. The games graphics and song grabbed me straight from the start. And although it took some getting used to not being snake, it was an improvement of the first game. Although getting used to the controls was still a bit clunky, you dealt with it cos each bit you made it through unlocked more story. The third one i avoided playing for AGES just cos i didn't like this whole idea of cameo and eating snakes etc.. But when i read who you played as.. I was curious so i cranked it up. Fell in love again with the characters (except Ocelot as a kid.. i mean come on...) But once again.. Controls were still a bit dodge.. To see people coming was always an annoying mix of toggling between views and crawling around.

And lets face it.. In all 3 games previous to 4 the combat had never been the strong suit. So how does 4 compare.

Like... WOW.. Thats all i can say. The title screen ended and i was like "Oh my god.. NO!! HE CANT!! NO!" Then i jumped into the game. After the intro where you can flick through different channels to see the state the world is in.. The game starts.. Graphics - Awesome.. But we all knew that. He hops out of the truck.. And WOW.. THIRD PERSON... Wait.. What? I can see around me.. WHAT THE HELL?!?! And oh my god.. Does this series benefit from the new control scheme.. You now can sneak, fight, run and hide like the snake you've always wanted to be.

At the inclusion of the Octo-Cameo.. I kind of figured at first, lame attempt to mimic the third one without actually changing the stuff in the screen.. Then i realized.. Wait a minute.. This is awesome.. Instead of mucking around in a menu screen for 10 minutes altering my cameo %, lay/push against the wall for 1 second.. bam.. instant cameo. It actually works (even though i know it sounds lame..( really well. Combat is now actually.. (how to put this..) well lets just say you feel like you can actually take on people now (even though you shouldn't be.. SNEAK DAMN YOU!). There's a few other things like the mark 2/3 (which i personally didn't use that much..), The snake eye (really useful binocular/night-vision/radar thing that looks more complicated then it is, learn to use it straight away). A crap load of guns to purchase and find as well... In terms of game play.. This is snake at his best. Anyone whose played and loved one of the others mgs games.. Will simply get goosebumps crawling through the jungle bit stopping at every change of ground to cameo yourself in.

The story? Im of two sides here.. I mean.. It definitely finishes EVERY loose mgs plot that the other games left open (and i mean EVERY..) and the story is epic and grand (although ill admit the music didn't have the same effect on me as the last three games.. gimme the sons of liberty song any day.. doo doo doooooo)But hideo could've easily split the story he put in this one over the course of two games and put in more stuff.. But thats just a fan boy whining cos its over. The ending was predictable to me and if you don't see it coming.. Then shame lol. But yeah.. I cant complain.. Cos i played the game nearly 11 hours straight to finish it up and 8 hours straight when i bought it. I suggest playing it on big boss or at least solid snake. But don't worry about value, you play through again.

So yeah.. Ignoring the gripe i had with the music and nagging "fill the story with EVERY character from the series.." it is definitely the ultimate MGS experience to play. And this will be the game that sells all the ps3s. So yeah... People that don't like this game cant really be called mgs fans, cos even ignoring the story (which is hard to do in this game..) and forgettable music of this particular title.. The game play and graphics are so damn hot you'd be mad to miss it. Also it wouldve been nice if you could choose to install the 20 gigs the game requires.. rather then having to re install it every time.

Enjoy your rest Snake. You've earned it.
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