Early Ford and early Steiner with mixed results...
26 May 2008
THE LOST PATROL plods along in the desert sun accompanied by a Max Steiner score that gives some life to the proceedings, as a small group of British cavalry gets lost on the hot desert sands and takes refuge in an oasis.

VICTOR McLAGLEN is head of the patrol and he's his usual blustery self and BORIS KARLOFF is a Bible quoting soldier devoid of his usual horror make-up. In other supporting roles are REGINALD DENNY, excellent as a gentleman soldier and WALLACE FORD and DOUGLAS WALTON as the lesser of the ill-fated soldiers. ALAN HALE has a brief role, as does SAMMY STEIN as a robust Jewish soldier. DOUGLAS WALTON is sensitive as the nineteen year-old soldier comforted by McLaglen when overcome by fear and fatigue.

Once the lost patrol reaches the oasis, it becomes clear that there's a stagey quality to the dialog in an attempt at character development, but McLaglen remains genuinely convincing as the tough but tender-hearted man who has to keep his men alert in the face of Arab snipers.

The action is slow, but Steiner's music has a mixture of exotic flavors mixed with the feeling of wind, sand and military themes. For '34, the very fact that the music is so prominent is an unusual factor.

A wild-eyed Karloff tells Reginald Denny: "You're a gentleman. You must have faith!" and Denny, after extolling the virtues of women natives, says: "Why?" Once again, McLaglen has to take a firm hand in keeping his men under control. Karloff, with a mad stare in his eyes, eventually goes out of his mind and has an unusual final scene.

The story ends with McLaglen the last man standing by the time the cavalry arrives and everyone marches off into the desert dunes while Steiner's music reaches a pitch of military flavor.

Not bad, but not the best of John Ford either. Watchable mostly for McLaglen's performance which is worthy of an Oscar nomination--but the only nomination went to Max Steiner's score.
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