The Invisibles (2008– )
i love this show
24 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
a great comedy about the pitfalls of getting old and having a shady past. without meaning to they are constantly looking over their shoulder looking for the cops to come around the corner and tap them on the shoulder and say "eh boys the gigs up". time for you to spend the next 20 years in jail.

the plot outlines 3 men and their strangely connected journey through life. one of the main guys is the wheel man for the gang. he is all about spaces, alarms and driving the get away car. the other of the 2 main guys is all about the safes he cracks then knows them and knows locks. the third in this comedy trio is a lot younger he is the son of the original third man who died a long time ago he is the muscle.

the wheel man has a son a lazy load on his wallet. his son is cruising around life blissful in the knowledge that his dad has the funds to bail him out whenever he gets in trouble( witch he does quite allot). his son knows he is the wheel man for a gang of thieves and milks it for all its worth. unlike the wheel man the safe man has a daughter who is blissfully unaware her dad is a thief she thinks he is a retired banker.

the whole show is about a sea change from a new slant very interesting and funny a laugh every few minutes and great story depth
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