Review of Phone

Phone (2002)
The nth "The ring" wannabe
17 May 2008
The guys there in Asia seem to be making the same mistakes that they've been making in Hollywood for years: if there's a movie that works and makes good money, such as "Ringu", they repeat it again and again; they change little details about the plot but in the end everything's just the same. A young girl who's died under strange circumstances comes back from the dead to send messages and scare people. Black hair everywhere, scary white ghosts, reflections in mirrors... the same gimmicks. "Phone" is kind of a cross between "What lies beneath" and "Lost call", and everything in it is a big deja-vu.

I won't deny that I jumped from my seat one or twice, but it's not the kind of movie I'd watch again.

*My rate: 4.5/10
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