Copping a beating… Eastern style.
17 May 2008
You want senseless? You got it. From the get-go director Mark L. Lester is the one calling the shots in a systematic screenplay, which piles on the crackerjack action set-pieces one after another in a very stagy fashion. It's a no-brainer in the form of the glorious 'Commando (1985)' that Lester directed too. Like 'Commando' I've seen this one quite a bit and the undemanding fun never seem to wear off. You don't stop to think, but just go with the turbulent pace, brutal violence and busy framework. As thinking too long and hard (especially on that doggy script… yeah it has some whoppers), will just stop you from enjoying this dumb and noisy piece. Really just looking at it you should know what you're getting yourself into in the first place. I was actually surprised to see the IMDb rating being that high.

The b-grade story is an unimaginative personal vendetta that combines it with the buddy craze and ends up with ludicrous results. Real short on substance and logic… ah really there's a lack of it. Choppy editing doesn't help either. Acting-wise its sub-par. Dolph Lundgren does wants needed of him. A confidently lively Brandon Lee has the charisma, but here he feels more like a comical side-kick with those smearing wise-cracks. The chemistry between the two is odd. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa's sadistically snarling bad-guy performance fits and Tia Carrere is there to look all ravishing as the scarlet in distress. Lester doesn't let it hang about and throws in a large quota on edge violence and flesh along the way.
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