Review of Mod Squad

Mod Squad (1968–1973)
You'll not see a better social commentary of the times
24 April 2008
I write this commentary not as someone reminiscing about a show that they watched as a kid or adolescent; that reflected the era they grew up in - as many do on here, but as someone who discovered the show a generation later. I was not born until 1972 - so just as the show was ending its successful run. I didn't see the MOD Squad until it was shown as a rerun in the UK (where i was born and raised) in the late 90's/early 2000's. From memory it was on at 1.30 in the afternoon and I watched it during a brief period of unemployment. From reading episode synopsis' on several sites, it must have been season 4 I was watching. What I remember thinking was - what a cool premise. Three kids from conflicting backgrounds, anti-establishment, setting aside their differences, working together to help others. Yes, the cover is that they are working as young cops, ultimately to solve crimes but, to me, the show had a much more philanthropic message. At a torrid time in the USA and the world as a whole, the show commented on things such as Vietnam, race, social injustice - things that were actually quite risky for a mainstream TV show to be commenting on at the time. One thing that really sticks out is an episode where a soldier has just returned from Vietnam. Pete firmly shakes his hand and welcomes him home - in a time and a USA where returning veterans were, generally, not welcomed. The villains weren't always clear cut villains - it wasn't a case of black and white - the show exposed the fact that there are always several shades of grey in between; that there are often human tragedies lurking beneath the surface. The show had a lot of angst, the central characters Pete, Linc and Julie often having to examine their consciences; being faced with making difficult decisions. However, amongst all this, they always had each other. Maybe I am looking at this through rose tinted glasses but what I have really enjoyed through rewatching the newly released to DVD season 1, is the fact that these three 'kids' really care for each other; look out for each other - are always THERE for each other. Was it really like that at the time? Well, I like to think so - I think people were more neighbourly and mindful of each other back then. Is it like that now - I wish I could say it was but I really can't say it is. And this is from someone who did not live through that era - I was born to it but the world had changed a great deal by the time I was old enough to really start taking notice. I really hope that the distributors have had enough success with the release of the two season 1 DVD's to warrant a release of the subsequent 4 seasons. I know its all about profitability - sadly. But I think a lot of people would really appreciate this show - not only those who remember it first time around but perhaps those who enjoyed the reruns in latter years and, who knows, there may well be a new audience waiting amongst the generation of today. I can't think of any other show at the time that gives such an accurate social commentary of the time and if I was pointing anyone in the direction of a memorable show from that era to reflect ' how it really was' that would be the one.

And boy......Was Pete Cochran ever sexy!!!!
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