Review of Fitna

Fitna (2008)
A highly relevant short film.
27 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film, whose main site was preemptively censored by an American web hosting company, has been released by it's producer on liveleak. And there is a current wikipedia page about the film that is still up. So I have now seen the film. Here's my review: There are some inflammatory parts. But they are not unreasonably inflammatory when one considers what is actually advocated by some Islamic Imams today.

I have previously exposed myself to speeches given by people such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Somali woman who has to have round the clock security. The producer of this film, Geert Wilders, has to have similar security for him also. And why does this occur? Because of the current primitive state of the Islamic culture as compared to that of Christianity, Judaism, and of the Asian religions & cultures.

In the film Fitna Mr. Wilders shows some Koran versus & then visual examples of how those verses are played out in his view. He also shows Islamic teachers advocating violence & murder.

Since Mr. Wilders has to go around with round the clock security, I can see why he would be anxious to put out a film on these issues. He apparently feels the freedom-loving culture of his own country (Holland) is at risk, and he sees freedom in Europe at risk as well.

Anyway, when a film is preemptively censored by an American company, you know there's a problem & that the censored film is even more important to see. Consider all the past films that have been censored. They basically were telling some key social truth which was inconvenient to the powers that be. And that's what this film does also.

The film shows how Islam is essentially operating along a medieval Bronze-age type track. The Christian Bible & the Jewish Torah (Old Testament) do advocate murder & other horrific things. Yes they do. So subjectively one could consider both Jehovah and Allah to be cruel & sadistic.

But the Jews & the Christians have for the most part moved beyond the medieval thinking their ancestors embraced. The Crusades are over, for example. And when Jehovah supposedly advocated to the Jews that they kill whole groups of people who weren't Jewish (ref. the Old Testament), that was "back then." Today there are not active Jewish & Christian schools that advocate killing "the other" - at least not nearly as many as currently exist in Islam.

I am aware of the "Jesus Camp" people, but there's no Jesus-camps being financed by a national state.

Saudi Arabia does fund schools where children are taught to hate the non-Muslim. Fitna does address this issue. And similar documentaries put out by Channel 4 in the UK ("Root of all evil?" - with Richard Dawkins), also talk about how Saudi Arabia is funding schools which teach Islamic children to hate "the other" - the non-Muslim. And Sam Harris & Christopher Hitchens have spoken about these issues as well.

Anyway the fact that a.) the film's first web site was censored by an American company, and b.) that the film's producer has to have round the clock security due to death threats against him as a result of his film & similar works, it is all a commentary on the state of Islam today.

After seeing the film I am left wondering how we all can cause Islam to move beyond Bronze-age murderous medieval thinking. I know there are some in that culture/religion trying to do this. But Europe is unfortunately doing too much appeasing, and Mr. Wilders agrees as per what he states in his film.

Toward the end of the film Mr. Wilders asks for help with defending freedom: That Europe previously defended freedom in the case of Naziism and Communism. He sees Islam as a similar threat.

European countries do readily ban Nazi groups & paraphernalia. Maybe they should do more banning of these Saudi funded schools where children are taught to hate & to harbor murder in their hearts. I hope they do implement such a ban.

Multiculturalism & diversity has it's limits. Mr. Wilders film, the fact that Islamists sought to censor it, and the fact that Mr. Wilders has to go around with round the clock security are direct proofs of the limits.

I hope more films of this nature come out.

Fitna is 16 minutes long. A similar film, called "Submission" by Theo van Gogh, was 10 minutes long. Mr. Van Gogh, a descendant of the brother of the painter Vincent van Gogh, was murdered because he put his film out. That's outrageous, and my reaction to such things is visceral. I am going to temper my reaction with some reason though. For example, I'm not going to allow myself to be taken advantage of by people who advocate continual war. But the whole point I think of the work of people like Theo Van Gogh & Geert Wilders is to show in stark terms just exactly what the problems are with having too much politically correct multiculturalism - where you allow people who don't value freedom to be in your midst. To allow people who really don't value freedom to take advantage of the free societies they're allowed to live in.

Certainly a large proportion of humans who call themselves Muslim have moved beyond Bronze-age murderous thinking. But one point brought home by Mr. Wilders' film is this: There are apparently more murderous freedom-hating radicals in Islam than there are in other current religions. And there's big problems with allowing nation-state funded (that is, by Saudi Arabia) schools in your freedom loving countries which teach children to hate & to kill those who are not members of their religion. And to teach children that it's OK to have a culture that oppresses women, that does not value freedom of speech, and so on...
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