Review of Conspiracy

Conspiracy (2008)
This film is a shameless rip-off!!!
26 March 2008
Director Adam Marcus and his co-writer Debra Sullivan should be sued for the shameless way they have STOLEN the plot of John Sturges' 1955 film Bad Day at Black Rock, and turned it into this mediocre garbage. I'm all for films that pay homage and draw inspiration from other movies, but this is a rip-off, plain and simple. If you were to remove everything that was lifted directly from Bad Day at Black Rock (as well as the stuff "borrowed" from First Blood), you would have a movie that only runs about 13 minutes. To make matters worse, this film is sub-par mediocrity at best. It would be one thing if Marcus had a modicum of talent, and could at least make it seem like this was not a total act of cinematic plagiarism, but he can't even do that.
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