Avoid - it's a waste of time even for Lawrence/Raven/Osmond/Disney fans
23 March 2008
Lar-ry-view: I won't be able to add anything new that other reviewers here haven't already told you. This film is awful, how many ways are there to say it? It's a waste of time to watch, and a waste of time to review.

I love Martin Lawrence, Donny Osmond, Disney, and good G rated films, but this is just a bad movie.

I knew it was bad from the very start, when the mock-trial featured high school students with clown like wolf and pig noses rubber banded to their faces. It got worse from there.

I would have walked out after the first twenty minutes, but I forced myself to watch the whole movie so that I could see all of Donny's appearances. His performance is OK, more of the nerdy white guy shtick. There is about one funny joke in the entire movie, and Donny gets that at the very end. But nothing could be worth that wait. It's such a shame to see Donny's immense talent and charm absent from the screen for 30 years, only to surface in this wasteland. I'm glad to see him on the screen and his name in the credits, but I can't see how this is a good career move for him. Also, I wish he would be proud of his white style and awesome 1970s accomplishments, rather than trying to show that he's hip enough to recognize that he's nerdy. Trying to prove you're cool by showing that you recognize how uncool you are seems to be silly.

Why does Disney schlock out these supremely lame live action movies? With such masterful dramatic treatment of stories like Alice in Wonderland and The Little Mermaid, they have shown they know how to make a great story. It's sad.

As others have said, the pig is a complete waste. The Einstein little brother is a complete waste. The wife is a complete waste. The crazy grandma is a complete waste. Basically I'm just compulsively typing to say that almost nothing works in this movie on any level.

Raven gives us one good performance of "The Double Dutch Bus," and Donny gets one funny joke. Other than that, this film is horrible. For the last half hour I was fidgeting and internally screaming "I can't take it anymore!" Boy was I glad when it was over.
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